New Online Games

Spiderman Save Children

Spider-Man Escape

The Amazing Spider-Man Lizard Clone

Brawl – Spiderman

Minecraft Pixel Paint

Minecraft Scene Creator 3

Kill the Creeper

Minequest Idle

Minecraft Flash Game

Play the weirdest games on the internet

Here’s a little side project I’d like to introduce to you all: is a hobby site to which I have collected (and will collect) the weirdest and funniest games from the internet. There’s no advertisements and all content is free for your enjoyment! I’ve always had a fixation to strange games. and now I’m able to share them with you,
so go play some weird games and feel free to submit more if you like!

Posted by Mukelo on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 (20:21:05) (824 reads)
Score: 0
Sekarang, memesan kapal online menjadi lebih mudah dan praktis untuk perjalanan laut di Indonesia dan sekitarnya. Jika Anda ingin menyeberang dari Lombok ke Bali, tersedia feri Lombok ke Karangasem Bali yang menawarkan perjalanan laut yang nyaman dengan jadwal keberangkatan setiap hari. Sementara itu, bagi yang ingin melakukan perjalanan internasional, feri Batam ke Johor adalah pilihan terbaik untuk menyeberang antara Indonesia dan Malaysia dengan berbagai opsi kelas kapal. Di Jakarta, layanan feri Jakarta ke Kepulauan Seribu menjadi favorit wisatawan yang ingin menikmati keindahan pulau tropis dengan perairan jernih dan pantai eksotis. Selain itu, rute feri Bali Lombok juga sangat diminati oleh wisatawan yang ingin menjelajahi dua destinasi populer di Indonesia. Dengan layanan pemesanan online, kini perjalanan laut semakin mudah dan nyaman!

Minecraft Games Collection

Woohoo! It’s been a long time since the last news item but rest assured, online games at will continue to evolve and we proudly present our latest online game collection:
Minecraft Games.

In Minecraft games you will find fan made great games related to (what else than) Minecraft itself. You can mine, explore and craft cool things even in 2D, go check it out! More games will be added often so come back to check out the latest additions!

Posted by Mukelo on Sunday, May 03, 2015 (18:04:50) (986 reads)
Score: 0

Minecraft Games Collection

Woohoo! It’s been a long time since the last news item but rest assured, online games at will continue to evolve and we proudly present our latest online game collection:
Minecraft Games.

In Minecraft games you will find fan made great games related to (what else than) Minecraft itself. You can mine, explore and craft cool things even in 2D, go check it out! More games will be added often so come back to check out the latest additions!

100 (one-hundred) Halo Games!

Not so long ago we announced a milestone in our Mario Game Collection, and know we’re passing the baton to Halo Games:

100 Halo Games published, and it took only 7 years 

Now this is important, since what got started, was Halo.

The 100th game is Elite Dress-Up 2: Female

May there be 1000 Halo Games more, all you have to do is develop them and submit the games to us owned

Posted by Mukelo on Wednesday, December 04, 2013 (20:02:42) (1207 reads)
Score: 0

Invalid Mob Facebook page

A while back we introduced our Twitter account which has now 111 tweets and 22 followers.

We’re happy to introduce Invalid Mob’s Facebook page – still short of content but will be updated frequently with uniqueness and coolness! Go dig it! (See the ‘like’ button on top owned )

» Invalid Mob @ Facebook

Posted by Mukelo on Thursday, November 28, 2013 (20:46:57) (1306 reads)
Score: 0

200 Mario Games Published

Dear fellow gamers,

We have reached a milestone in our Mario Flash Games section – yesterday, the 200th Mario games was published! Yes, that’s right – we have two-hundred fan-made Mario Games and more to come! the 200th game is: Luigi Go Adventure